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20.  Two-dimensional ScTe2 monolayer: An efficient anode material for sodium-ion battery and cathode material for lithium-ion and potassium-ion battery

       Tuya Dey, S. Chowdhury, S. G. Kang, P. Sen, B. C. Gupta, and J. C. Mahato

      Computational Materials Science 253, 113824 (2025)                                                                 [Impact Factor 3.1]


19.  Effect of UHV annealing on morphology and roughness of sputtered Si (1 1 1)-(7× 7) surfaces

       J. C. Mahato, A. Roy, R. Batabyal, D. Das, R. Gorain, T. Dey, and B. N. Dev

       Journal of Crystal Growth 653, 128055 (2025)                                                                               [Impact Factor 1.7]


18.  Theoretical prediction of the potential of using two-dimensional V2S2 as an effective anode for alkali metal ion batteries 

       S. Chowdhury, J. C. Mahato, J. S. Chung, S. G. Kang, and B. C. Gupta

       Surfaces and Interfaces 51, 104750 (2024)                                                                                     [Impact Factor 5.7]



17.  Effect of dopants in the HTL layer on photovoltaic properties in hybrid perovskite solar cells 

       R. H. Sardar, A. Bera, S. Chattopadhyay, J. C. Mahato, S. Sarraf, and A. K. Basu

       Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics 34 (32), 2138 (2023)                            [Impact Factor 2.779]


16. Ferromagnetism in Mn and Fe Doped LuN: A Potential Candidate for Spintronic Application

        Ramesh Sharma, Jisha Annie Abraham, Jagadish Chandra Mahato, Sajad Ahmed Dar, and Vipul Srivastava

       Book chapter in Density Functional Theory - Recent Advances, New Perspectives and Applications

       DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.99774

15. Sequential growth of self-organized epitaxial FeSi2 and CoSi2 nanostructures on Si (111)-7× 7 surfaces 

        J. C. Mahato, A. Pal, D. Das, P. Pal, and B. N. Dev

       Applied Surface Science  572, 151397 (2022)                                                                                      [Impact Factor 6.3]


14. Silicon Nanodots Via Sputtering of Si(111)-7×7 Surfaces and Post-Annealing

       J. C. Mahato, D. Das, R. Batabyal, A. Roy, and B. N. Dev

       Materials Today: Proceedings 47, 1617-1620 (2021)                                                                           [Impact Factor xx]


13. Tuning the length/width aspect ratio of epitaxial unidirectional silicide nanowires on Si(110)-16×2 surfaces 

        J. C. Mahato, D. Das, P. Das, T. K. Chini, and B. N. Dev

       Nano Express 1 (42), 425603 (2020)


12. Unidirectional endotaxial cobalt di-silicide nanowires on Si(110) substrates 

        J. C. Mahato, D. Das, N. Banu, B. Satpati, and B. N. Dev

       Nanotechnology 28 (42), 425603 (2017)                                                                                                  [Impact Factor 3.953]


11. Real time investigation of the effect of thermal expansion coefficient mismatch on film-substrate                strain partitioning in Ag/Si systems

       D. Das, N. Banu, B. Bisi, J. C. Mahato, V. Srihari, R. Halder, and B. N. Dev

       Journal of Applied Physics 120 (13), 135301 (2016)                                                                              [Impact Factor 2.226]


10. Ag-induced √3 reconstruction on Si(111)/Ge-(5×5) and the surfactant behavior of Ag in further growth        of Ge

       J. C. Mahato, D. Das, B. Bisi, A. Pal, and B. N. Dev

      Applied Surface Science 356, 249-258 (2015)                                                                                           [Impact Factor 7.392]


09. Self-organized patterns along sidewalls of iron silicide nanowires on Si(110) and their origin

        D. Das, J. C. Mahato, B. Bisi, B. Satpati, and B. N. Dev

        Applied Physics Letters 105, 191606 (2014)                                                                                           [Impact Factor 3.971]

08. Self-organized trench–island structures in epitaxial cobalt silicide growth on Si(111)

        J. C. Mahato, D. Das, R. Batabyal, A. Roy, and B. N. Dev

        Surface Science 620, 23-29 (2014)                                                                                                              [Impact Factor 2.070]


07. Roughening in Electronic Growth of Ag on Si(111)-(7×7) Surfaces

        A. Pal, J. C. Mahato, B. N. Dev, and D. K. Goswami

        ACS applied materials & interfaces 5 (19), 9517-9521 (2013)                                                            [Impact Factor 10.383]

06. Self-organized one-atom thick fractal nanoclusters via field-induced atomic transport

        R. Batabyal, J. C. Mahato, D. Das, A. Roy, and B. N. Dev

        Journal of Applied Physics 114, 064304 (2013)                                                                                       [Impact Factor 2.226]

05. First principles electronic structure of coincidence site epitaxial Ag/Si(111) interface

        AHM Abdul Wasey, R. Batabyal, J. C. Mahato, B. N. Dev, Y. Kawazoe, G. P. Das

        Physica Status Solidi (b) 250 (7), 1313-1319 (2013)                                                                               [Impact Factor 1.782]

04. Uniformity of epitaxial nanostructures of CoSi2 via defect control of the Si(111) surface

        J. C. Mahato, D. Das, A. Roy, R. Batabyal, R. R. Juluri, P. V. Satyam, and B. N. Dev

        Thin Solid Films 534, 296-300 (2013)                                                                                                      [Impact Factor 2.358]

03. Negative differential resistance in electron tunneling in ultrathin films near the two-dimensional limit

        R. Batabyal, AHM Abdul Wasey, J. C. Mahato, D. Das, A. Roy, G. P. Das, and B. N. Dev

        Journal of Applied Physics 113 (3), 034308 (2013)                                                                               [Impact Factor 2.226]


02. Nanodot to nanowire: A strain-driven shape transition in self-organized endotaxial CoSi2 on Si(100)

        J. C. Mahato, D. Das, R. R. Juluri, R. Batabyal, A. Roy, P. V. Satyam, and B. N. Dev

       Applied Physics Letters 100 (26), 263117 (2012)                                                                                     [Impact Factor 3.971]


01. Lateral straggling and its influence on lateral diffusion in implantation with a focused ion beam

        R. Batabyal, J. C. Mahato, A. Roy, S. Roy, L. Bischoff, and B. N. Dev

       Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B 269 (9) 856-860 (2011)        [Impact Factor 1.279]

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